Empowering Disabled Children: Breaking Barriers and Embracing Abilities.

Safar Social
2 min readJul 1, 2023


With so many problems around the globe, we tend to forget about the things we should be grateful for, our bodies. We ignore it on purpose but what about those who aren’t privileged and lost some part of them. These children are called disabled and we neglect them expressively in our society.

According to a report, There are more than 150 million differently-abled children out of which 80% are from developing countries. But, it’s our job to nurture and treat these specially-abled children equally. They are plenty of reasons for being disabled.

  1. Genetic disorders
  2. Accidents
  3. Malnutrition
  4. Wars

Now, we know about the reasons how can we minimize the effects. Few solutions which should be implemented are-

  1. Education- Education plays an important role for disabled children. Every child has a right to education. If the child gets educated the disability of that child doesn’t hamper the growth. They could get plenty of opportunities. For example, there are KFC outlets in many places that hire disabled people.

2.Ignore the social stigma- We have to eradicate the social stigma hovering around the disabled. Disability is not a sin. Every child has some talents which will help them to grow. The social stigma doesn’t allow a disabled child to grow. We have to support, nurture and give them a direction to, grow.

3.Knowledge about Disability- There is a very low level of knowledge among us about disability. We tend to differentiate between the disabled and the rest. But, we should treat them equally in every aspect of life. They are as talented as any other child.

Consequences if the issue is not properly addressed.

  1. Physical and Emotional Violence- Disabled children are more prone to physical and emotional violence as they are not in the right state to defend themselves, which lead to injuries and in some cases death.
  2. Social Marginalization- This leads to a lack of proper education among the disabled. They were not allowed to school. Which leads to children going in bad directions like begging in the streets etc.


We as a society have to understand that these children are equally capable of achieving greater things. They are capable of doing constructive things and above all are capable of progress. But, the main thing is support from parents, teachers and all the people around them to make them believe they can do it. As of now, there is plenty of room for improvement and we have to achieve it together.

