Unlocking Financial Independence: Simple Steps to Take Control of Your Finances

Safar Social
2 min readJul 2, 2023


Whenever we talk anything about finance we think of something complicated that we can not manage or understand. But it’s easier to understand and everyone could do some planning with their finance to become independent.

Financial independence talks about taking ownership of our finances, planning our investments and increasing the avenues of our income. It helps in bringing in more stability in our lives.

Few easy ways through which one can be financially independent or let’s say help in taking the right decisions about their finances.

Let’s Save-

Savings is the easiest way to use our money judiciously. We can start with a small amount and gradually increase our savings. Savings doesn’t mean keeping our income aside but it also means cutting off our expenses which might impact our savings. We can use a 50–30–20 rule to be better in savings. Use 50% of our income to our needs, 30% for our wants and 20% for savings.

Why not Invest?

The main question that comes in the case of investment is where to invest and in something we get good returns. To answer this question we have to know the investment is a long time process. We can invest in SIPS, stocks, FDs etc. The correct investment enables us to think about being financially independent in the future.

No Loans?

It’s okay to take loans but make it the last option. The alternative of not taking a loan are having emergency funds in the time of needs, planning our purchases. For example if we think about buying a phone, let’s plan about it and save it accordingly. If we plan it wisely we will have enough money to buy that phone without taking loans and being in a debt.

What about Skill Development?

The best investment is that investment we do it on ourselves. We can invest in developing our skills which will help in increasing our opportunities to earn better and be financially independent.


It’s been said that the best day to plan for your finances was yesterday. To become financially independent we just need to understand our present and future requirement and plan accordingly. Save money, invest it smartly and boom we are one step closer to become financially independent.

